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Managed Federation Overview

Manage supergraph CI/CD with Apollo GraphOS

Apollo GraphOS provides support for that use .

With managed federation, you maintain and delegate to manage CI/CD tasks including the validation, , and update of your :

  • Your subgraphs publish their schemas to GraphOS, which stores them in its schema registry. GraphOS then validates and composes them into a .

  • Your can poll GraphOSspecifically, its Apollo Uplink endpointto get the latest validated supergraph schema and other configurations.

Apollo GraphOS
Your infrastructure
Polls for config changes
Schema Registry
Products subgraph
Reviews subgraph

Benefits of managed federation

helps your organization safely validate, coordinate, deploy, and monitor changes to your . It provides:

Router stability

You can modify (and even add or remove entire subgraphs) without needing to modify or redeploy your . Your router is the point of entry to your entire graph, and it should maximize its uptime.

Composition stability

Whenever your router obtains an updated configuration from Apollo, it knows that the updated set of subgraph schemas will compose, because the configuration includes the composed supergraph schema.

The router also knows that your subgraphs are prepared to handle against the updated set of schemas. This is because your subgraphs should publish their updated schemas as part of their deployment, meaning they're definitely running by the time the router is aware of the configuration change.

And whenever a accidentally pushes a schema change that doesn't compose, GraphOS continues to provide the most recent valid configuration to your router.

Schema flexibility

By using a configuration manager that's external to your router, you help ensure the safety of certain schema changes. For example, if you want to migrate a type or from one subgraph's schema to another, you can perform this migration safely only if you externalize your configuration.

Ready to try it out? Continue to Setup.

Migrating from Schema Stitching
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